
Compare Commercial Electricity Supply

The First State and Energy Savings

Delaware is a state known for its high-quality agricultural products and beautiful natural landscapes. However, behind the scenes, the state is also making significant strides towards achieving energy efficiency and sustainability. In this article, we’ll explore the energy and pricing history of Delaware and highlight a company that can help businesses save money on their…
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New Jersey’s Commercial Energy Market

New Jersey is a state that heavily relies on electricity and natural gas to power its households and businesses. Finding ways to reduce commercial energy costs is crucial for businessses looking to improve their bottom line. One option is to choose from a variety of energy suppliers available in the state. Konnect One Energy is…
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Illinois Competitive Commercial Energy Market

Illinois is a state with a competitive energy market and residents and businesses have the freedom to choose their energy supplier. With many energy suppliers in Illinois, including Ameren Illinois, ComEd, Constellation, Direct Energy, and Discount Power, among others, businesses can choose from a variety of energy plans including fixed-rate contracts, variable-rate plans, and green…
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Pennsylvania Commercial Energy and Savings

Pennsylvania is a state that heavily relies on electricity and natural gas, with businesses and households alike needing these energy sources to power their daily operations. Finding ways to reduce energy costs is crucial for businesses looking to improve their bottom line. One option is to choose from a variety of energy suppliers available in…
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Ohio’s Deregulated Commercial Energy Market

Ohio is one of the leading states in the United States in terms of energy production and consumption. The state has a long history of producing and utilizing energy from various sources, including coal, natural gas, nuclear, and renewable energy. One of the significant factors that have influenced energy production and pricing in Ohio is…
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Maryland Commercial Energy Savings

Commercial energy rates in Maryland have been on the rise, leaving businesses struggling to keep up with the cost of energy. Energy suppliers, including BGE, Delmarva Power, Potomac Edison, and more. Businesses looking to save money on energy costs should also consider working with an energy broker like Konnect One Energy. As an energy broker,…
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Importance of Energy Market Intelligence

Energy market intelligence plays a critical role in the success of commercial energy brokers. These professionals help businesses find the best energy solutions, but to do so, they need to stay informed about the latest trends and changes in the energy market. From fluctuating prices to shifts in supply and demand, there are many factors…
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Outsourcing, Best Choice For Businesses

Outsourcing certain tasks to outside experts is a common way for businesses to improve their efficiency and streamline their operations. Energy procurement, which involves purchasing energy from suppliers, is one such task. Konnect One Energy is a commercial energy broker that can help businesses save costs, improve energy management, and enhance sustainability. By partnering with…
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Benefits of Outsourcing Energy Procurement

Outsourcing certain tasks to outside experts has become a common way for businesses to improve efficiency and streamline their operations. One such task is energy procurement, which involves purchasing energy from suppliers. By partnering with a commercial energy broker like Konnect One Energy, businesses can reap several benefits, including cost savings, improved energy management, and…
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Commercial Energy Solution for Manufacturers

Manufacturers and their use of commercial electricity play a crucial role in our society from producing goods and materials to powering factories; the manufacturing industry is a significant consumer of energy, especially electricity. With the rise in electricity prices, manufacturers need to find ways to cut costs and stay competitive. That’s where Konnect One Energy…
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